Books and Products

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Read Aloud Thursday: Time for a Feast!

Even though my 18 MO daughter has a hard time sitting through an entire read aloud- we try quite a bit. We read several books before bed, and we like to grab a nearby book and read anytime we're lounging around the house snuggling- which happens pretty often (and is usually the highlight of my day)!

Pre-kids I didn't see the point in board books, but now I love them. I love that they allow my wee one to interact with text at any early age- turning pages, understanding how we hold a book, pointing to pictures/illustrations that interest her, etc...

Today we read Feast for 10, by Cathryn Falwell. We picked it up at the library last week.

Reading level: Ages 4-8
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Sandpiper (February 1, 1995)

As a mom, this is a book I would want to read to my child again and again. It gently teaches good family values (cooperation, responsibility, and sharing). It's a counting book and I like that it goes through 1-10 twice, once while the family is shopping for the feast, and then when the family is preparing the feast.

As a teacher, I see how the book encourages early literacy skills and number sense (it is a counting book, after all!). How does it teach early literacy skills? The rhyming scheme builds phonemic awareness (awareness of sound patterns in words), which is a foundational literacy skill. The words Falwell uses builds your preschooler's ever-expanding vocabulary (for example: cart, grocery, fry, bunches of greens, dill pickles, ripe, plump, peel, platters, jar, hungry folks). Building your child's knowledge of words early on will help them to be a better reader later on.

I think this book makes a great read aloud for any preschooler.

The only caveat I have is the absence of the father in the book. I feel like this book is trying to be modern(the family does recycle after all), but the father is at home while the mom shops with 5 kids. Does that really happen anymore? My husband shops, cooks, and cleans just as much as I do-- and if I had 5 kids, I'd make sure I would have my husband around to help at the store. Also when the family is in the kitchen the dad is taking out the trash and the mom is baking- hmmm, a little too stereotypical for me. I don't want to scrutinize the book too much, because it's a great read (and nitpicking is no fun)...I just wish it was a little more in sync with the changing roles of the modern family.

Have you read this book? What did you think of it?

p.s. Reading aloud is one of THE BEST ways to make your child a reader. What have you read aloud to you child/students this week?

I'm linking up at Hope is the Word. Join the fun!

Be well! Read on!


  1. I do remember reading the book briefly in the library, because I was taken with the illustration style. Your points are well taken on the family dynamic.

    Treasure the cuddled-up reading opportunities.

  2. I'm happy to see you enjoyed Feast for 10. Now in it's 19th year, there are several things I'd like to "update." It's hard to believe, but when I first made this book, having a Dad take the baby in for her nap and help out in the kitchen was not as routine as it is (thankfully!) now. Even recycling was new then. I suggest you tell your child that in this story, it's the Mom's week to shop---next week is Dad's, who was home cleaning the house and doing the laundry while they were at the store! :o)
    Happy Reading!

  3. I'll have to grab that book! Sounds like a great read!

    I love Cathryn's follow up comment too! Great suggestion!! :)

    Wonderful blog, by the way! I'm a new follower!

  4. This is a wonderful book in many ways. The counting, the rhyming, the food, the social/family aspect... so many ways to do tie-in activities. Thanks for sharing!

  5. @ Debbie- Yes, I love the paper collage illustrations!

  6. Cathryn, Thanks for stopping by! I love your suggestions for updating the book. It's crazy that 1993 is almost 20 years ago! I think families have definitely changed a lot. I would say that 4/10 couples I know have stay-at-home dads- I'm sure that's different than the 90's. It's kinda neat to see dads so involved with child rearing.

    I love reading the story with my daughter, and it prompted her to say her first numbers- five and nine. It was very exciting!

    Thanks for authoring such a engaging book. :)

  7. Sarah, Glad to have you join in the fun! ;)

  8. Amanda, I agree- there are so many possibilities with this book. I love the food aspect too! Thanks for joining in the conversation!

  9. This is one we haven't read. In fact, I've never seen it but will look for it next time we are at the library. I'm lucky to have a husband that helps out quite a bit with the shopping, cooking and so on.

  10. I'm unfamiliar with this title, too, but I will definitely look for it! I know what you mean about board books, too, but with my one year old, they're a necessity. By the way, my dh does more housework than I do! :-)
