Books and Products

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Library Loot: 10 Minutes to Closing

To make my blogging more organized, I created a schedule for what I blog about when. Thursdays (today) were set aside as Read Aloud Thursdays. I think I am so ready for school to be out of session, because I posted for Read Aloud Thursday yesterday, and (sadly) I really thought it was Thursday.

Here's my self-imposed blogging schedule (I'll try to stick to it):

Monday: Non-Fiction Monday
Tuesday: Pulse of the School
Wednesday: Literacy at Home/Library Loot
Thursday: Read Aloud Thursday
Friday: Events/Organizations in the Community
Saturday: Day off
Sunday: Teaching Tipster

So because of my absentmindedness I overlooked posting about Library Loot for this week, which I thought I'd share quickly with you all. My small familia took a quick trip to the library yesterday afternoon (it's just a short walk away). As it was 10 minutes to closing (and we already have a massive stack of library books at home awaiting perusal), we checked out just a couple of books.

I'm into Jaime Oliver right now. So when I saw Jaime's America I had to grab it. My sister and her hubby have been into Jaime Oliver's Cookbooks for a few years now. And I always found myself attracted to reading them  when I was over at their place. But they can be pricey ($10 bucks for his mag, and $38 for his cookbooks), and they tend to have a lot of ingredients that are hard to find in the US, since he's British. This book is more up my alley- it has food I know I'll love to eat, and I can get most of the ingredients easily.

The more I read Jaime's America, the more I think I need to have it for my own. I love the recipes he's included in here, as well as the book's design and the tone of the writing. I can't wait to try these stand-out recipes over the next few weeks while I have this book checked out from the library:
  • Southern Red Beans and Pork
  • Candied Bacon Green Salad (How could I resist it?)
  • NYC Cheesecake
  • 1 Steak 2 Sauces
  • Beautiful Breakfast Tortillas
  • Chili Con Jamie
  • Blood Orange Granitas
  • Sweet Tamales 'N' Chocolate
  • Mexican Breakfast
  • Bourbon Pecan Tart
Okay, maybe I should limit myself to 3 of these dishes. If I try all of these recipes before the book is due back at the library, I surly won't fit into my just-ordered bathing suit this summer. Some of you know that Jaime Oliver is all about eating fresh ingredients. He's also about moderation. While he's tried to make healthier versions of these American foods, they are by no means low-fat low-cal dishes. So as he tells his readers in the forward, "be sensible about mixing it up".

Here's some recipes that look intriguing, but I doubt I'll be making them anytime soon (where could I even find alligator in the Bay Area?)
  • Trout and Salad
  • Beer Butt Chicken
  • Ham Hock and Green Grits
  • Old-fashioned Peach Ice Cream (No Ice Cream Maker)
  • Venison & Creamy Beans
  • Tuna Tartar
  • Cajun Alligator
  • Popcorn 'Gator
Have you all been watching Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution? I've loved it. And it's definitely convicted me about some of my food habits. It's hard to eat any kind of candy or ground meat after you watch it- so beware. It has affected me a lot more than Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal.

The second book we checked out was for my my hubby: The Information, By James Gleick. I feel like I JUST heard about this book for someone else's recent loot.

From NY Times Review: Drumbeat to E-Mail: The Medium and the Message By JANET MASLIN
“The Information” is so ambitious, illuminating and sexily theoretical that it will amount to aspirational reading for many of those who have the mettle to tackle it. Don’t make the mistake of reading it quickly. Imagine luxuriating on a Wi-Fi-equipped desert island with Mr. Gleick’s book, a search engine and no distractions. “The Information” is to the nature, history and significance of data what the beach is to sand.
I know when my spouse reads a book like this, I always feel like I'm along for the ride!

Here's a quote my hubby shared with me last night:
As the role of information grows beyond anyone's reckoning, it grows to be too much. "TMI," people now say. We have information fatigue, anxiety and glut. We have met the Devil of Information Overload and impish underlings, the computer virus, the busy signal, the dead link, and the power point presentation.
I think I'm hooked, how about you?

I'm linking up to Library Loot: Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

 Be Well! Read On!


  1. I definitely feel that my reading is lacking books that could be described as "sexily theoretical"! Enjoy your loot!

  2. My library has had budget cuts and hence cuts in the hours they are open so arriving at the library 10 minutes before closing has been the norm for me lately. It's frustrating! I miss browsing.

    Your loot looks very interesting. Food for the body and food for thought!

    Enjoy! :)

  3. Found your post through Library Loot!

    I do love Jamie Oliver, but I dont, unfortunately, cook. *g* I have to enjoy him through the television instead. (Loved "Jamie's Kitchen".)

  4. I love Jamie's show... and yes I was so disgusted about what is in junk food. And you know my sweet tooth, so that's saying a lot!! I can get you some alligator in nearby South Carolina and ship it to you. It was all over the menus in Charleston. =)

  5. Silsbee, Good thing there are a lot of shows to live (and cook) vicariously though! :) I have been loving cooking shows this year. We watch on HULU b/c we don't have TV. It's great to have you here!

    Tricia, Thought of you on the show last week. It was all about the chemicals in candies. Grossed me out. Have you ever cooked alligator? You should try it and report back!
