Books and Products

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A is for Aaron: Early Literacy + Toddler Art

Cool uncle #2 spontaneously came over on Saturday, and my little one wanted to make him a present (she started getting out the wrapping paper...saying, "present for Uncle Aaron.") So I thought of something I had pinned months ago...instant present for uncle!  
 Finished project (one of 3)

I quickly put some gift wrap tape on white paper. We whipped out the pots of Melissa and Doug paint (LOVE these for toddlers!), and my daughter went to work.

 One technique she used was dabbing the paint on.

Another one of my daughter's special techniques- using a wet wipe to smudge the paint.

 I took a hairdryer to this so it could dry in time for Uncle A's arrival. Then, I pulled off the tape. Some of the paper came up with the tape, but it didn't do much damage. I tried to be gentle.

This project was quick and easy! It took less than 20 minutes in all, and Uncle A walked away with a sweet gift. And the biggest bonus of them all- my daughter has been overheard saying, "A is for Aaron." I'm eating up these early literacy moments!

Since my daughter made a few paintings, we got to keep one for our fridge ;)

Have a great Friday!


  1. Replies
    1. Hmm-- maybe aunt number one needs one too!

  2. This is such a magical little kid art project! I still need to try it with my littles, thanks for the reminder!

    1. I especially love how easy it was and how artsy the end product looks!

  3. Can't wait until she gets to S for Sarah:)
