Books and Products

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Library Love

Sadly, due city budget cuts, our library was closed for much of our winter vacation. But we had a chance to grab some books earlier this week. I love to browse the *new* children's books first, while my daughter loves to find the child-size arm chair (different priorities, of course!). I love trips to the library- what a great way to promote a love for reading in my daughter!? Start them early!

Here's what we ended up with this week: 

The Watcher, by Jeanette Winter: This is too complex for my daughter to sit through, but she enjoys the illustrations. My husband teaches a novel that deal with Jane Goodall, and my low readers read a leveled book about Jane Goodall. I'm eager to read this aloud as they read the leveled book, especially because it's written as a narrative.

No Sleep For the Sheep!, By Karen Beaumont, Illustrated by Jackie Urbanovic: This book is fun with a lot of repetition (great for building a child's phonemic awareness), but so far my daughter has rejected it. Hopefully she'll warm up to it over the next couple of week. The illustrations are delightful.
Rubia and the Three Osos, by Susan Middleton Elya, illustrated by Melissa Sweet: I love the spirit of this book, and I especially love that it is sprinkled with a ton of Spanish.

My Very First Mother Goose, edited by Iona Opie, illustrated by Rosemary Wells: We have several books in this genre around the house. But I really love the way that this mother goose is arranged (into 4 chapters). You could get away with reading a chapter a night- great for little ones! My daughter loves the pictures too- little animals dressed as people!

Dora's Book of Words: This was my daughter's choice, as you can imagine! It's a hit!

Two at the Zoo: A Counting Book, by Danna Smith, Illustrated by Valeria Petrone: This is our favorite read aloud this week! My daughter is starting to count, and this book counts to 10. We love that it includes a choo-choo (my daughters new favorite part of the zoo!), a grandpa, and lots of our favorite zoo animals.  A great book for 2-3 year olds. The books included lots of great rhymes to encourage word play and phonemic awareness!

For Me:
Kitchen Confidential, by Anthony Bourdain: This is our book club book for the month (really we only meet every quarter!). I am not that excited to dive in because my hubby mentioned that the writing it incredibly poor. But, I have to give it a go! Any thoughts?

Maine, by J. Courtney Sullivan: I've been wanting to read this novel since last year when it came out. This is the print version (I read mostly kindle books now), and is is pretty thick. I doubt I'll be able to finish it in a week (it's a "hot pick" with a 1 week check out limit- boo), but I'm going to get started. My mom grew up in Maine, and we used to vacation on the Maine coast when I was growing up. I heard it was depressing, but I'm hoping it's also wonderful. Has anyone else read this?

I'm linking up at Mouse Grows Mouse Learns-

Be well! Read on!


  1. No Sleep For the Sheep sounds like just the kind of book my daughter adores! Thanks so much for the recommendation.

  2. Hee! Look at that little cat in a sweater! I love looking through the new children's books when they come in (I work in acquisitions), and I don't even have any kids. Some of them are really beautiful. Or funny. ;p

    Enjoy! :)

  3. Basbusa's Mama, welcome! I just stopped by your blog, joined via blogger, and loved your recommendations as well- seems like our daughter's have similar taste. I love Williams' elephant and pigie series.

  4. Silsbee! I know- kids books can be so beautiful!

  5. Those are wonderful book choices. My 5 year old really liked The Watcher. Thanks for joining WMCIR!

  6. Raising a Happy Child- Thanks for stopping by! I always have intended to link up...but haven't been great at making good on my intentions!! I love your blog!
