Books and Products

Monday, January 30, 2012

Teaching Tipster with Free Printable: Open-Ended Worksheet for Reading Comprehension (Fiction Texts)

I posted a comprehension worksheet a couple weeks ago. I've been using this format for several of my reading intervention comprehension groups over the past couple of months, and it's really helping to build student comprehension (woot! woot!). I was only using nonfiction text, but today I adapted the same worksheet (based on the reciprocal teaching model) to use with fiction text.

On the backside of the worksheet there is space for students to pre-write/illustrate the beginning, middle, and end of the story. I also included a space for Somebody/Wanted/But/So and have a space for summary. With some groups I will use all three of these summary tools as a way to scaffold the comprehension process, but it will depend on the students and their needs.

On differentiation: Since I work with students in grades 1st-5th, this worksheet is open-ended can be used at several grade levels. Also, I find that it's helpful use the worksheets to guide learning each week- especially for my students' with learning disabilities.  I also have a lot of space for vocabulary/clarification because most of my students are ELL and need the extra support with vocabulary.

Let me know if you have any questions!


  1. This is great! I'd use it if I was still in the classroom. I tweeted this post today.

  2. I like how you integrated all of those skills into one concise worksheet that is based on text instead of giving a more skill based worksheet in isolation.

    1. Thanks Jackie. It really helps my intervention students. They were having a hard time when the comp lessons were based on each book. This consistent frame also allows me space to teach deeper in any given comp area ( eg how to make predictions based on genre, how To ask surface level/ deeper questions...). Many of my students are in the process of qualifying for a learning disability- so the more scaffolding and consistency I provide, the better. Thanks for your thoughtful Comment.
