Books and Products

Friday, July 1, 2011

Book Blogger Hop

What keeps you reading beyond the first few pages of a book, and what makes you want to stop reading a book and put it back on the shelf?

Honestly, once I decide to read a book I feel like I usually forge through- which perhaps isn't such a good thing?!

But here are some things that make me want to keep reading:
  • Someone recommended the book, and I really trust this persons judgement. I'll keep reading. Maybe it gets good at the end?
  • Excellent writing. You just know when a books is well written. 
  • Really depressing books with poverty, injustice, rape, lots of gloom, etc... But please give me redemption in the end!
  • Murder-mystery books.
  • I connect with the character immediately.
  • A question has been asked that you want answered...

Here are some major turn offs:
  • Someone recommended the book, and I really don't trust this person's judgement. I have different book taste than some of my friends (surprise, surprise) I usually know whose advice not to listen to. But perhaps I should be more open and willing to try books other people think are really great. Open mindedness=good.
  • Sadly, I do not like fantasy. Actually, I'm really not sad about it at all. But I know some of my friends think I'm crazy. Even Harry Potter is a no go for me. Crucify me now!
  • Gimmicks. I like a good ol' novel, no gimmicks please.
  • Dense book when I am not in the mood. I'll think I'm up for a challenge, and sometimes I give up quickly if I'm tired, or what not.
  • Memoirs- not my thing.
  • I'll put a book down if I don't connect with the character.
Visit Crazy for Books to see other bloggers respond to this week's question.


  1. Hopping through. New follower! I agree with you on recommended books by people you trust. I'll keep going with a boring book if I've been told it's great.
    My Hop

  2. I am your new friend on GFC. My answer to Book Blogger Hop question.

    I started reading a book the last month and it was suppose to be a very good book. But after giving it a couple of chapters I just couldn’t get into it. I put the book aside to read another day. I don’t like to do that because I feel as if my mind might have had too many distractions and I didn’t give the book a chance. So I always try to wait for another day to give it another go. I have so many other books calling to me from my to-be-read list that it can really be distracting. READ ME! READ ME!
    I prefer reading and reviewing Christian Fiction but I do read a varity of other books. I just can’t handle too scary or gory. Suspense and Mysteries I like. No explicit adult books either if I do find one I really want to read I just skip over the x-rated stuff. So what genre do I read?

  3. I'm hopping through. Those are great answers. It's a problem when someone whose opinion I respect recommends a book and then I don't like it. I feel I have to read it and find something good to say about it. It also makes me nervous about recommending books back to them!

  4. Stopping by via Crazy-For-Book's Blog Hop. I'm following you.

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog this weekend, so please stop by!

    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  5. Thanks all for Hopping by and for following!!! You're wonderful!
