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Friday, June 17, 2011

School's Out For Summer!

It's about time, don't you think? I thought a little vacay was never going to come.

Due to the overload of the events this week (and the great weather here in the Bay Area) I have completely s-l-a-c-k-e-d in the blogging department. I had high hopes of maintaining a schedule and blogging daily. While I LOVE that idea in theory, I really don't think it's manageable. But, I'm here now. I'll try to be consistent. And away we go....

I really enjoyed being at school today. We had to say goodbye to our rising 5th graders and dedicated staff that have been with us for a while. Transition is hard, and it feels like we've been a school in constant flux for the past 3 years. In the face of unwanted change and hard financial times our school did a great job of appreciating folks for a job well done. It was lovely to have a day celebrating all of our hard work over the course of this year.
my summer garden, ahhhhh i love sweet peas

So what does the summer hold for me?

Reading Tutoring: Two of my reading intervention students are going going to come over to my place for a couple of 1/2 days each week during the summer for reading help. I want it to be very low key, and my main goal is to get them hooked into the joy of reading. They are best buds and will be in 5th grade next year. We're going to take trips to the library, do fun projects related to their reading, I'll do read alouds, and perhaps read in the park; there's endless possibilities, I know it's going to be great! I know I'm going to be scouring the blogosphere for project ideas. But I'd love any feedback or ideas any of you have!! Share your ideas in the comments section below. 

Travel: My hubby and I (also a teacher) are going to spend a week on Lake Michigan with his family (lots of g-parent and cousin time!) and then we'll also take a road trip to Zion National Park.

Syllabus Writing: My husband and I are co-teaching a 6-unit Lit Assessment and Lit Development course for an online teacher ed program this fall through the collaborative effort of Aspire Public Schools and the University of the Pacific. We need to craft a mighty fine syllabus. I'm looking forward to this (I really enjoyed teaching the class last semester), but it's going to be a plateful. What do you wish you knew before you started teaching? If you have any tips, share in the comments below. I'm excited about our main text, Teaching Reading in the 21st Century by Michael Graves.

RtI (Response to Intervention) Planning Time: I have a couple of stipended days on my schedule so far. With a team of people from school, we're hope to refine the SST and RtI process at our school. Good times!
Hopefully summer will be filled with a lot of moments like this!!!

R&R: I hope I'll have lots of reading, blogging, and craft time! And of course, lots and lots of time with my family!!!

What do you love about summer?

Be Well! Read On!

p.s. This post was also brought to you by the help of my husband, who is graciously prepping dinner solo so I could get my blog on. Woot woot for awesome husbands everywhere!


  1. Happy Vacation! Sounds like you have a lot planned for the next few months. I hope it all goes smoothly, and that it's as fulfilling and fun as you hope. :)

  2. Thanks Silsbee! Actually we only have 5 weeks off (shorter than more schools). I'm hoping to be productive in that short time! I'll report back at the end of July :)

  3. sounds like your summer is jam packed with good things :)
