Books and Products

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

RtI for ELLs

RTI blocks

Today my colleague (thanks Sarah!) introduced me to these short videos available through the RtI Action Network.

I love these videos because Janette Klinger addresses many of the issues our school is currently dealing with. Our school is 95%+ ELL, so implementing RtI, teaching all students in the general ed classrooms, and qualifying and identifying ELL students for Special Ed look should be tweaked accordingly to support our population.

Klinger voices many of the concerns I had going into RtI implementation at our school. Like she mentions, many teachers have a hard time distinguishing between students in the process of language acquisition and students with learning disabilities. It takes training to be able to tease out the underlying issues that is affecting student performance.

Check out out these videos:

Janette Klingner: Realizing the Potential of RTI: Considerations When Implementing RTI with English Language Learners

Janette Klingner: Response to Intervention With English Language Learners

If you're a teacher, how do you differentiate your lessons to support your ELL students?

I'm Linking up at Learning all the Time!

Be Well Read On!


  1. Rebecca, thanks for linking up! Now, I'm a new blog follower of yours :)
    I am a HUGE book lover and so are my daughters.

  2. Hello Susan, I just found your blog today too! Thanks for the awesome link up opportunity. I love to find new resources!

  3. You are very welcome, and me too!
