Books and Products

Friday, May 20, 2011

Library Visit: A Couple of Weeks Overdue

Some of these books will look familiar! I took a trip to the library in last week mid-week to get some choice read alouds books to share with a group of 20 K-1 students at a local after-school program here in Oakland. Here's the stack of books I have sitting in my living room:

I checked out 3 Mem Fox books, and read Boo to a Goose and The Magic Hat to the K-1 students:

This book, Pierre the Penguin, was a hit with the K-1 crowd! Check out my review of  this book this coming Monday!

This is Jan Brett's version of the 3 Little Pigs, set in Africa. I'm contemplating is this should be my next read aloud to the K-1 students. What do you all think?

Kevin Henkes is the best!! I got a few of his books to meander through. I'm deciding which ones I want to read aloud to this K-1 after school kids:

I was proctoring the state test this past week for small groups of students (who-hoo! There's nothing more fun than that!). One of the boys was really into dragons, so I picked up this neat Gail Gibbons dragon book for him to read after he finished his test- he liked it a lot. I really like Gail Gibbons books, and kids do too!

Have a great weekend! Read on!

I linked  this post up to Library Loot. Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library.


  1. We saw Pierre at the California Academy of Science when we visited my sister last August. We were so excited we had to buy the book immediately. It was awesome to get to see the neoprene suit on display too.

  2. I haven't been back to the CAS in a year or so because it's usually packed with people (it's no wonder- it's such an amazing new museum). I can't wait to visit with my toddler this summer and see Pierre and his suit on display. Thanks for the tip. I'm glad you enjoyed the book too!

  3. I'm really intrigued by the Gail Gibbons dragon book! I loved dragon stories when I was little!

  4. Claire! Thanks for dropping by- I'm so glad the Dragon Book piqued your interest!
